Professional English 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Rase Rasing! Who is/are kind? Africa Taiwanese!

Dear all, My Chinese name is Hung Jen Liao, and my English Name is Joe Liao. Now, my job is the oversea branch company's market researcher and Graphic Designer in the high tech company's OBM department. (My artworks website address: and I am also studying in Fu Jen University. My major is mass communication.

My final graduation project is making a film about Chinatown boy's feelings, their family, and racial problems. The film will have both languages, English and Chinese. I really like the script, and I will translate it into English and publish it up later on... to be continuing. Hopefully, the film can be a very successful film, and thanks the help from my dear team member which also my dear friend. They put lots of effort to help me to accomplish this film. Thank you, and I love you guys. Best wishes for all.


Dear Albert

I was very sick and ill the day 2006/10/16, so I can not attend to the class, and thanks for the understanding. Thanks & Regards.


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