Professional English 2006

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Subject: Elite Model Look 2004

Subject: Elite Model Look 2004

In the summer of 2004, due to the fact that the famous model (ZhiLing, Lin) made the huge stream in Taiwan and also such as PR activities pushed the “model issue" to the peak, every business about fashion industry needs a large amount of new stars. At this time, this kind of celebrities is different from the past; they must get training in order to get famous.
The following is I try to discuss PR case on " Elite Model Look 2004 " in Taiwan.

EML background
EML (Elite Model Look) has been established already for 23 years so far, and it has a strong position in the fashion world. Elite Model spreads all over whole world, the host also has the world-top Models, ex: 1983 Cindy Crawford capture tapestry of selective trial, another like: Claudia Schieffer, Gisele Bundchen, Stephanie Seymour, and Naomi Canpbell . They all pass the selective trial of Elite Model Look.

Elite Model Look has held separately in all parts of the world every year. Winners in every country can enter the rank to the global finals, one attracts media an eye on activity is training by photographer and each comes from whole world celebrities’ agents. The finals content in the world will be shown on TV every day and upgrade the materials. The next super model will be selected by model group, world-class photographer, and other professional personages. Elite Model Look global final is an annual major issue, the purpose is in order to select the next super model, the final one is choose by 400,000 people around the world, and EML is a major issues attracted attention definitely.

Media sponsor
TVBS TV station、TVBS weekly magazine
Shu-uemura cosmetics company
Sheraton-Taipei hotel

PR mechanism
1. Send news release, and invite media, electronic medium, TV station reporter interview
2.Taking instant news release (consume line , life line , amusement line , industry line , fashionable line)
3.Sending 廣編稿 or activity titbits.
4.Instant faxes to every media
5 Phone media's reporter directly

SWOT analysis
Strength: 1.Taiwan is the first time to held such international beauty competition activity that link up the world, and also build EML system in Taiwan
2. catch up the windward driving that huge models stream

Weakness models are amateur

Opportunity: the price is lower than professional famous model.

Threat: The appearance of the new face is more interesting to audience, but apt to let the activity lose the focus .

Media reported achievement on finals
The newspaper amounts to 62
The magazine amounts to 4
The TV amounts to 2
The network amounts to 4

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Saturday, January 13, 2007

jan 8, 2007

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jan 8, 2007

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Monday, January 08, 2007

Share today's photo in class

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Very Important messgage

連續兩週星期一放假可以跟您約在2007年1月8日 晚上七點半一樣在文友樓三樓的電腦教室補考嗎?

albert: 35 wpm... for the make-up test, and the time, 19:00 sharp, January 8, 2006
only one chance.

since nobody has called or informed me if you accept the offer, i have no idea what to do with your make-up test. please try to connect albert asap.

Monday, December 18, 2006

My Vblog

Dear Albert:

This is 5min opening clip of my graduation film with English and Chinese subtitles

and This is 2min short brief speech of myself talked about what have I learned during this shooting experience.
Thanks & Regards


dear Albert:
im not sure if u saw my blog?
i've had post in my introduction 3 days ago....
or i give u one more time?

thank u ...and hope u like it *^^*

Ed's Blog

eva's Blog


ChrisKo's Video blog

Michael Wu's V Blog

Ben's v-blog

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Gavin Li's V Blog

My V Blog:

Yoyo's V Blog

Chris Chiu's Vblog

Here is Chris Chiu's new Vblog site.

Podcast web-site

Dear Albert,

Here is our podcast web-site address.
Please click and check it on internet.

Podcast web-site: The Bride Napping.

There are 7 teammates in our group.
The members' list as blow:

辛憲琪 Ada
陳依佐 I TSO
孫煜銘 Sonic
蔡明翰 Joe Tsai
廖柏翔 Frank
李冠皇 Kuan Huang Lee
吳星儀 Jessica Wu

This is my Vblog